Wednesday 11 July 2012

First Contact

This is the first real contact I've had with harding this week ( well the first real contact and shes actually just sent me through a message just as I started this sentence ) and I feel a little better about myself. Even though I'm feeling better today I think this week has shook me up sufficiently enough to put me on a new track and I'm glad I'm producing again.

I'm afraid this is going to be a short post today as it's 10.40 at night and I'm not in work again ( even though I should be ). I'm going back in about an hour to sleep in the car although I must be careful as I'm going to get caught if I try and pull this shit to often. Spoke to John the pianist today and he's up for singing and doing some piano work on my stuff - good news, hope he likes it!

The music is really helping me through at the moment and I have had my first smoke of the day not more than 20 mins ago. I've been straight all day and I have really enjoyed it and I've got stuff done. Tomorrow I will try to do the same. The only reason I'm going have a couple of small smokes tonight is that I can get to sleep tonight in the car and hopefully get at least 4 hours so I can get in some good stuff tomorrow.

Pretty stoned now as it's my first of the day and I'm going to leave in a bit to read my book in the car and make myself even more sleepy. Just waiting about at the moment to see if harding sends us another message as I don't want to push my luck. She said her silence was because of work but I don't believe that really - it coincided with my admission of my youth and my rant Saturday night. Shes also not been so forthcoming since we met ( and that happens to make me very very uncomfortable and it kills my confidence ). This settles it - the only way to get this girl is to be more successful in my work and my music. She knows I've named one of the songs after her and she was obviously interested in that lol. Get to get the song finished to a decent level  and show it to her - a lot of work to do in my mini studio for the next few days but hell I'm looking forward to it.

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